
How Do You Plan A Factory Move

Planning a factory move is a daunting task as you need to perform heavy machinery moving and ensure that the equipment is moved without damage. But you can always make this task easier by breaking it down into easier and smaller steps.

Here are a few simple steps to follow when planning a factory move.

Be Early

Take your time when you are in the planning phase. Giving yourself more time to plan your move will help you avoid any errors and mistakes. This face becomes even more important when you want to continue a steady pace of production while moving.

Create A Team

If you want your factory relocation process to be successful, you will have to make a team of experts capable of multitasking and making this project successful. You can include people from your HR and union reps to help you in the process.

Involving your staff in the planning stage can help you immensely. This will help avoid any objections regarding your planning move coming from your employees. Your staff members will provide you with valuable input which you can use to make the planning process more effective.

Get Help Where Needed

You should also understand your limits in the planning process. For example, if you do not have enough experience in a specific area of moving your factory to a new place, you might want to get help from reputable experts in that field. Preferably, you should look for people in your HR and other staff who have prior experience with relocation. You can thus benefit from the experience of your staff members and make the process even more smoother and effective.

You can also get in touch with the manufacturers of your equipment and benefit from their experience regarding the stuff you use every day. This will help you in planning your new shop or factory effectively. So, if you want to save yourself a lot of time and effort, you should definitely seek help from experts.

Make Layout Drawings

You should always get accurate layout drawings of your new factory drawn before starting the moving process. You should also compare the new drawing with your current drawing and look for any flaws. Once the drawings are made and checked, you should provide them to your contractors and employees so they can provide input on them, and work according to them.

Manually checking your layout can also help you make your new factory better than your current one. It also allows you to replicate the things you have grown accustomed to.

Document Your Machinery

Check every piece of equipment you have and document its current condition. Depending on the condition of every piece of equipment and machinery, you can choose to either abandon them, get them refurbished, or simply move them to your new factory.

You should also tag every machine to track your progress and to make it easier for your employees to understand the exact position of every machine according to your layout plan. This also make it easier for you to see which machine is leaving the factory and which one has arrived at the destination.

You should also note the specific requirements of every machine, and make sure that your new factory is prepared to receive that machine before it leaves the old location.

You should also take pictures and make videos of every machine to make sure that you understand its condition in a better way, and all of the connections are documented.

Measure The Effect On Your Supply Chain

You should also consider how the moving process will affect your supply chain. No matter how perfectly you execute your factory move, expect your supply chain to be disrupted for some time. So, make early arrangements to cope with supply chain problems.

You should prepare yourself for a cash flow deficit for some time since your supply chain will be affected.

Try To Improve

A factory move is an excellent opportunity to improve your factory’s layout plan which will boost your production and provide you with many other benefits.


This was a brief checklist you should follow when moving your factory to a new location employing rigging services DC. Follow this checklist properly, and you won’t encounter many problems during your move.


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